Monday, May 19, 2008

Another Blog!

Well, I just set up today another blog site which I will be using as I'm on tour with the Boston Crusaders this summer. I'll be posting from my cell phone, so don't be surprised if sometimes it makes no sense. Whenever I get the chance I'm gonna sign on with a computer and edit posts so it seems like I'm actually thinking as I type.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Well, I haven't posted anything for a while, and my recent installation of Flock has made it easier to write something (just one click and I'm typing away).

So, the biggest announcement is that I am now a member of the Boston Crusaders Drum & Bugle Corps, and that's a really big deal for me. Amazingly, they have both baritone and tuba openings, so my friends who tried out for The Cavaliers will be able to have a second chance at marching corps this year.

Blogged with Flock

Amateur Songwriting

So, recently I've tried my hand at writing songs. One only has the chorus' lyrics, while the other also has a chord progression during its respective chorus. The first one is called "50 Miles 'Til Our Destiny" and all I have are lyrics during the chorus:

"We are 50 miles till our destiny
And I cannot help but see
That you are as beautiful
As the sunset on the horizon.
And as we go down the highway
I turn to face you and say,
"I can't imagine living
Without you here by my side."
And I hope you feel the same.
If not, I'll take the blame."

I haven't bothered to figure out a good chord progression yet.
The other song is tentatively called "Hide It All". It uses a chord progression similar to Linkin Park's "Shadow of the Day", but it's in G major instead of B major and goes into a minor chord at some point. Here're the lyrics so far:

"I try to wash away my sins.
I hide it all with grins.
It's eating me up inside,
But I'd never let you know.
Can't let you suffer like I do.
Can't let this pain affect you, too.
Don't worry 'bout me, I'm okay.
We'll find a cure along the way."

Blogged with Flock